You will be happy to know that these apps are better for taking real photography. So without extra ado, let us see the Best Free Photo Editing Apps for IOS, Android 1. Snapseed – Android, iOS Snapseed is a photo-editing application produced by Nik Software (a subsidiary of Google) for iOS and Android that […]
September 30, 2015
What is an image rollover? When you put the mouse pointer over the image (hover) the image changes. It’s pretty easy to have this kind of mouseover effect…!! All you need to do is copy and paste the following code into your page or post: <a href=”Destination URL” target=”_top” onmouseover=”document.sub_but.src=’‘” onmouseout=”document.sub_but.src=’‘”> <img src=’‘ style=”width:200px; […]
September 30, 2015
This is a simple and very usable User Control for entering numbers and displaying them such as currency. E. g., 2,100,552. I decided to make this a User Control because we can reuse it in multiple project. This User Control has two properties: “textWithcomma” that maintains the text of the User Control with a comma(‘,’), […]
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